justice for all
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Sneak attacks continue it's starting to piss me off
by justice for all inhere i am three months out and they still wont leave me alone.
they came by three times last week.
i dont know how many the week before and the week before that .
Witnesses and their Sneak Attacks
by justice for all ini have faded these past few months and as of lately the witnesses keep bugging me at least once a week.
..coming to my house ''sneak attacks'' i havent been home and also they have been leaving messages on my phone.i'm afraid they are gonna set up a meeting for me to come to the hall for an explanation.what should i do if that happens?
do i have to go if they call me in?
SELF ESTEEM in the organization
by justice for all indid your self esteem increase or decrease after being in the organization for a while?
Anointed seem to think they have special POWERS
by justice for all inever notice this about the so called anointed?
the ones i've met seem to think they have these powers especially with the scriptures and some brothers and sisters treat them as such.
i always thought this was weird and somewhat superstitious.
Scarce at the kingdom hall
by justice for all ini heard that it was scarce at the kingdom hall last thursday night.
the speaker was asking those in attendance to look around and see who was missing and to call them and encourage them to come back to the meetings.
interesting huh?
BAPTIZED with doubts
by justice for all inwhen i was baptized in 1996 the elders knew that i had doubts.i told them i did, thinking that would get me off the hook.they bapitzed me anyway.the sisters that came to my door were relentless and i didn't want to be rude.anyone else have this sort of experience?